


What is wind mitigation?

Wind mitigation is the implementation of certain building techniques and construction features in order to limit damage caused by intense wind, such as those associated with tropical storms and hurricanes.

How does wind mitigation affect you?

In 2006, property insurers in Florida, requested a 45% rate increase for wind insurance. In Florida, the portion of a homeowner’s premium covering wind damage can be up to 70% of the total cost. However, Florida passed a law requiring insurance companies to offer their customers discounts and credits for existing building techniques and construction features that reduce or mitigate loss from wind damage. In order to qualify for this discount, homeowners must obtain a certified wind mitigation inspection by a qualified home inspector.

What is a wind mitigation inspection?

A wind mitigation inspection is a specific inspection designed to identify the building techniques and construction features which increase a structures ability to with stand damage from high winds. The report documents and provides the required proof needed for you, the homeowner, to obtain the Wind Mitigation Credits or Discounts on your insurance policy. Depending on your homes features, you can save up to 50% on your policy premium!

 Construction features inspected during a wind mitigation inspection

  • Roof geometry– this refers to the shape of the roof
  • Roof to wall connection-how the roof structure is secured to the walls of the home
  • Roof deck attachment– how the roof deck (plywood or OSB) is secured to the trusses or rafters of the roof.
  • Roof covering– the type of material covering the exterior of the roof
  • Secondary water resistance– a layer of protection that shields the home in the event that the roof covering fails. It will reduce leakage.
  • Opening protection-are all openings to the home covered or protected with an impact rated device.

How to prepare for your wind mitigation inspection?

1. Allow approximately one hour for your wind mitigation inspection. Someone who is at least 18 years of age must be present at the home to meet with the inspector and grant him access.

2. Gather any paper work or documentation you may have regarding shutters, impact rated windows and/or sky lights and the roof.

3. We need to document all credits by taking photos, verifying building permits and proving the make and model as well as the testing standards for all opening protections.

4. Attic access is very important. Please remove any obstructions or personal items from beneath and around the attic opening. Please note, some debris such as insulation may fall from the attic opening. The inspector will have a ladder for access if needed.

Accurate Home Inspections is fully licensed, insured, and certified so that you know your inspection is being done professionally and accurately.

To schedule your Wind Mitigation Call today 772-337-4463